
gallery stone sculptures & steel objects [selection]

There will be galleries uploaded soon, in the meanwhile please follow the links below:

Sculptures & Objects in public space, based on 3D-tecniques

2008-2011 Panta rhei - marble sculptur at Graz University

Design Klaus Schrefler & Thomas Siegl, Realization Klaus Schrefler

panta rhei

panta rhei


2005 St. Martin Castle, Wheel of Time, marble sculpture 2,4 tons, Graz, Austria

Cooperation - Luis Viracocha, Klaus Schrefler & Walter Ackerl

Rad der Zeit


2005 Rhythms of Violence - Steel sculptures & performance, Graz, Austria

Concept Klaus Schrefler, realization Mea Schönberg & Klaus Schrefler

rhythmen der gewalt


More Objects - link

the world art project
a life cycle in film, sculpture, performance, and music. 2001-2009.
intercultural network for transforming arts - since 2002.
artworks of Klaus Schrefler between 1998 and 2003.

      "The reluctant unites and from the opposite tunes the most beautiful harmony develops, and everything happens by strife. It is opposition that brings things together" - Heraklit.  
  Visual Media Art
© 2014 Klaus Schrefler